The teaching is organized as e-learning lessons based on the following processes:
Teachers use Google Work Space for Education Plus © platform and Google Classroom, which allows the creation of student groups, the use of multiple productivity applications, virtual chats, programming of activities, application of quizzes and tests, anti-plagiarism measures, etc.
The curriculum is made of common subjects, core classes and elective subjects.
Extracurricular activity lessons are offered and adapted to the nature of the subject.
The on-line classes are structured in different phases:
- Introduction and motivation: The topic to be treated is introduced, and linked with previously discussed topics.
- Presentation and explanation of the topic to be treated.
- Practice or work of elaboration, understanding and applying what has been treated.
- Evaluation through the student’s participation in the class to verify that they have understood and assimilated the contents and achieved the objectives of the class.
All presentations are to be recorded in real time and stored in a repository that teachers and students can access with their personal passwords. They remain available for a maximum one week for students who are not able to participate in a real time.
Some topics are pre-recorded for students to watch and study personally. This allows more flexible learning process, facilitating its individualization. Students can review these topics at the time that they consider most appropriate for a better learning.
In addition to the lessons carried out during the on-line or off-line classes, the teachers propose to the students a series of off-line activities such as readings, exercises, tests, collaborative work, essays, etc. necessary both for learning and for application of knowledge.
Assessment is a systematic, continuous, and integrated activity in the educational process, whose purpose is to improve it, through the most accurate knowledge possible of the student, of said process itself and of all the factors that intervene.
- Check if the proposed objectives have been achieved and the degree of approximation of the results obtained: diagnostic function.
- Promote the entire educational process in its structure and operation: guiding function.
- Study the possibilities of the students and the concordances between professional interests and intellectual abilities, as a basis for personal, educational and professional orientation: predicting function.
- Obtain the appropriate techniques to know the performance of the students, their educational level and estimate the degree of assimilation of the teachings they receive: control function.
The three aspects in which the assessment process is divided are:
- Formative, understood as a mechanism that allows to detect the difficulties that arise in the exercise of the educational process, the possible deviations, and changes of rhythm and, due to the moment of its application, facilitates the adequate strategies to improve it.
- Summative, understood as an analysis mechanism that allows to detect the verification of the results obtained through periodic records.
- Participation: Attendance at virtual classes will be recorded, but also the degree of participation and interest of the students in all the activities proposed by the teacher for the development of the subject.
In each subject, the teams of teachers will establish a minimum percentage of attendance and participation, which allows the student to obtain a satisfactory or passing grade.
The student will receive permanent information on the progress of their learning process of each subject by their teachers.
In a formal way, the student will also follow an evaluation process that will be informed to him and his parents or legal guardians, in the following periods:
- Initial assessment at the beginning of the year.
- Each trimester or term.
- Final record of the annual school year.
Teachers team evaluates the learning progress of each student in each of their subjects, analyzing their capabilities, skills and learning. This information, in addition of the constant communication with parents that integrates personality, health and social aspects, allows the teaching-learning process to be always personalized, and adjusted to the individual needs and personal conditions of each student.
Teachers propose during the school year and in each subject of study, the reinforcement or extension activities that can allow each student to reach the specific objectives of the subject, but also to establish adequate motivation to optimizes the process.
Each student has a mentor who is in charge of individualized follow-up process. Mentor meets at least three times per year with parents/legal guardians to coordinate a harmonious and optimal learning and development of each student.
- Digital textbook: Students use the textbooks and numerous digital materials, for each subject that allows the teaching of the contents and the monitoring of the corresponding program.
- The licenses for use are provided per student and school year.
- For the exams that are applied online, the exam control software developed by Proctor Track© will be used.
- Students will need to have a computer or tablet with enough capacity and an operating system that allows them to access and manage
applications based on WEB technology and the Google Cloud. - These devices must have a camera and microphone.
- Wifi or GPS Internet access with enough bandwidth to participate in virtual classes and view videos.
- Teachers and students will be provided with training so that they can configure the equipment to access the platform.